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Apparel T-Shirt

TPG – Retro Football Gang Buffon The Best – T-Shirt white
TPG – Retro Football Gang Buffon The Best – T-Shirt white
TPG – Retro Football Gang Buffon The Best – T-Shirt white

Buffon Chronic – T-Shirt

34,90 €

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The white T-shirt shows Gianluigi Buffon in the style of the legendary album cover of Dr. Dre's “The Chronic” album.

Brand: Retro Football Gang. Retro Football Gang was created in 2018 by Nathan Aubugeau. As a lot of young frenchies born in the 90’s, he has fallen in love with Football & Rap Music. But most football apparel he found was not cool enough football, so he decided to create his own brand.
1-3 Tage
100% organic cotton
BIOLOGISCH: Die verwendeten Rohstoffe stammen aus zertifiziert biologischem Anbau.
NATÜRLICH: Das Produkt besteht aus natürlichen und nicht-synthetischen Fasern. Ausgenommen: Veredelungen, Labels und Verschlüsse.
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